Automatic Recalculation

Perhaps the biggest miracle of the spreadsheet is automatic recalculation. Any time you enter a new number, Excel automatically recalculates the value of all the formulas and mathematical functions in your spreadsheet.

Let's try it.

Recalculate Spreadsheet

Click cell E9
Type 225

    When you press the Enter key, watch what happens to cell E14, F9, and F14. Currently the values of these cells are 616, 560, and 2078.

Press Enter

    Excel recalculates all formulas and mathematical functions. Note that the values of E14, F9, and F14 changed to 448, 688, and 1950.

Click cell E9
Type 97
Press Enter

    Excel recalculates all formulas and mathematical functions. E14, F9, and F14 return to their original values of 448, 688, and 1950.

Now you try!